Why participate
on earth friendly events? Because it is your home, it’s your families, your children,
your future children, your dog, your cat, your fish… etcetera we all live on
planet earth. Until we are able to live on another planet let’s try to love and
appreciate our home.
Hope you all took part on earth hour that just
recently passed this March 23, 2013. Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized
by the World Wide Fund for Nature. To create awareness about the need to take
action on climate changes by encouraging households and business to turn off
their non-essential lights for one hour. Since 2008, 35 countries around the world
participating as official flagship and over 400 cities are supporting this
great cause.
Next earth hour: March 29, 2014
Now what is
earth day? Earth day is also a worldwide movement to demonstrate support for
the environment protection. Held on April 22 of each year known as
International Mother Earth Day. Earth day is celebrated by more than 192
counties and each year there is more eco-activist participating. If each of us
could take on just one new, sustainable practice whether changing the light
bulbs, turning down (or up) the thermostat, or parking the car and walking just
think of the impact. And if we did this every day? Well, what a giant leap
toward reducing our collective carbon footprint!
My eco friends please participate on
making a difference on earth day April 22, 2013.